“Canine Hero Saves Blind Man Trapped on Subway Tracks”

Cecil Williams was caught in a difficult situation on Tuesday when he fell onto the subway tracks from the platform. Thankfully, his guide dog, Orlando, was there to assist him. Cecil is now recovering in a hospital bed and is petting Orlando who is by his side.

Orlando, the guide dog who bravely jumped onto subway tracks to save his blind owner after he fell off a station platform, has found a loving home after retiring. Cecil Williams, who has been recovering in a hospital with Orlando by his side, was supposed to get a new working dog next year to replace the 11-year-old black Lab. However, he now wishes to keep both a working and retired dog as pets if it is feasible for him in terms of logistics, physical abilities, and finances. If that is not possible, the family who raised Orlando as a puppy is excited to welcome him back and proud that their little baby made a big difference. Guiding Eyes for the Blind spokesperson Michelle Brier confirmed their happiness.

According to Williams, he cannot afford to take care of a non-working dog and is planning to find a suitable home for Orlando. Although Guiding Eyes provides working dogs at no cost, they do not cover expenses for retired dogs. Once the Associated Press published an interview and photos of Williams with Orlando in his hospital room, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center began receiving inquiries from concerned individuals offering money and other forms of assistance. Guiding Eyes has kindly taken over these requests. If Williams decides to take care of two dogs, he will need financial help in caring for the Labrador. Brier stated that they are not sure what Williams will decide as he is currently in a difficult situation. This is an incredibly emotional and stressful time for him.

The organization had established a fund and intended to share details about it on their website. Should Williams not require the money, it will be utilized for other guide dogs as per Brier. On Tuesday, both Williams (aged 61) and Orlando managed to avoid serious injuries after being hit by a train that passed over them – an incredible end to a distressing experience that began when Williams fainted while en route to the dentist. Witnesses reported that Orlando barked frantically and tried to prevent Williams from falling off the platform. According to Matthew Martin, Orlando even jumped onto the tracks as the train approached and kissed Williams to encourage him to move.

On Wednesday, Williams mentioned that he’s starting to feel a bit better, but he doesn’t know how much longer he’ll be in the hospital. He shared that his head is still tender from where they stapled it shut, and there are bruises all over his body. The medical team is still conducting tests to determine the root cause of his condition.

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